Saturday, July 31, 2010

101 Things That Urk Me

Well, it's been a long time since I posted a real note. I am an observer of people and I notice a lot of things. I have some personal pet peeves that I've wanted to address for a while, but never got around to it. I would love to get your feedback and hear what you have to say about the subjects I'll be addressing. So, I present to you, "101 Things That Urk Me":

(Keep in mind that these are in no particular order and no I won't be listing 101 actual things, I just like the title - LOL)

1. People who refuse to work, but are always expecting a handout. If I have to work and provide for myself, what makes you so special? (the keyword here is 'refuse'. I know life happens and you may lose your job, may be having a hard time finding a job, or may have some physical or mental handicap that prevents you from working. I'm not talking about you, but everybody else, there's no excuse). What happened to having a strong work ethic. That seems to have gotten lost in our generation. I guess that's why they call us the microwave generation. We want everything easy and quick. We no longer respect the grind.

2. Women who use their children as leverage because they're mad their ex is dating someone new, is no longer interested in them, or they just don't want their ex to be happy. This especially bothers me if the woman was trifling while in the relationship towards the man and/or left the man saying they didn't want him anymore. Children should NOT be used as pawns. Every child needs both parents in their life if at all possible. Ladies, so many of us are guilty of this. Let's get it together.

3. I don't like women who hit their man, dare him to hit her back, and then act surprised when he does. I also don't like the double standard our society has on domestic violence. I personally believe there is no reason any person should ever violently hit their partner. But in our society, it seems to me that violence against men by women is not taken seriously. I'm sure most men know what I'm talking about. A woman can hit a man and most of the time nothing will happen to her even if the police are called. But anytime a woman just says a man hit her, he's almost always going to go to jail. This has got to stop. Don't get me wrong, I don't condone domestic violence in any situation, but I think every person should be held accountable for their actions regardless of their gender. Fair is fair. I've heard countless stories where a woman was hitting her man repeatedly (without him hitting her once) and daring him to hit her back and when the man finally got tired of being hit and hit her back, then she calls the police and has him arrested. Ladies, (excuse my grammar, but) that ain't right.

4. Men/women who complain that there aren't any good men/women out there, but dog out every good man/woman they come in contact with or better yet, they don't want the good man/woman when they get them. I don't think I need to elaborate on this one.

5. People who have such high expectations of others, but don't live up to those same expectations. C'mon now, could you be more hypocritical?

6. Fake people. Be true to yourself and everyone else.

7. Liars. Lying is already bad enough by itself, but it's always funny to me when someone lies unnecessarily. Not onlybecause is it disheartening, but it insults my intelligence. If you're gonna lie to me, at least lie to me on my level.

8. Overly judgmental people who forgot where they came from. Let's be real, none of us are perfect and the Bible says that "ALL (not some) have sinned and fall short of the glory of God". - Romans 3:23. Why don't we help mentor people and encourage them in their walk with Christ instead of judging them and gossiping about the mistakes they've made. I often say the only difference between you and the person you're talking badly about is they got caught and you didn't. But how would you feel if God were to expose all your blunders and past sins?

9. Arrogant people. I love a self confident person, but there's a fine line between confidence and arrogance. Let's not think more highly of ourselves than we ought.

10. "Rehashers" who don't know the true meaning of forgiveness. To make it plain, I don't like people who say they forgive someone, but constantly bring up (rehash) the same things they supposedly forgave the person for every time they have any argument. You can either forgive or rehash, but you can't do both at the same time.

11. **and this is a big one** Golddiggers of any kind. If you spent more time working to improve your life on your own, you wouldn't need to be a golddiger. Ladies, stop "hunting" for rich men, and purposely getting pregnant, just so you can collect a huge child support check. This happens so often, it's become commonplace. And we wonder why people have so many trust issues. You golddiggers make it bad for the real independent men and women out here.

Well that's enough for now. I know there's a lot more I'm missing. A part II might be in order later. But let me know your thoughts. I know this note is not what you all are used to from me, but hey, the truth is the truth and I had to keep it real. If it doesn't apply, let it fly. But if it does, let's do better. And remember no one is above the law. We can all improve and grow.

With Love (*in my Michael Jackson voice*)


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